Once upon a time, approximately thirty three years ago, my husband and I went on a first date. When he arrived, I offered him a glass of white wine and a tiny egg salad sandwich. From that day forward, we've associated food with romance.
Decades later, I am still making itty egg salad sandwiches. This year, I bought savory pink-swirled bread at the Publix deli, and I "tied" each sandwich with a chive "ribbon."
(Note: I'm such a Doubting Thomas, I had to taste the bread to make sure it wasn't a dessert. Sometimes a girl has to be sure.)
My husband got a kick out of watching this procedure--and he helped me tie the bows. Like so many things, it takes two.
Romantic Egg Salad Bundles
Make egg salad. I like mine very British and use dry Colman's English Mustard, adding chopped chives, freshly ground pepper, and a hint of dill. Stack bread and remove crust (set aside to feed the birds). Spread a thin layer of butter on the bread (somehow this makes the bread sturdier, just like commitment and honesty form a solid relationship).
Assemble your sandwiches. Add peppery watercress and chopped chives, with a hint of smoky paprika and Kosher salt. Cut into thirds.
To symbolize the marriage bond, tie each sandwich with a long chives strand (they're more pliable if you soak them in tepid water). Take care as the strands are easily broken, and they can come apart without warning. Just have faith. Be patient and gentle. Garnish with cherry tomatoes and secret kisses. Serve to someone you love.
To symbolize the marriage bond, tie each sandwich with a long chives strand (they're more pliable if you soak them in tepid water). Take care as the strands are easily broken, and they can come apart without warning. Just have faith. Be patient and gentle. Garnish with cherry tomatoes and secret kisses. Serve to someone you love.
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